From helping people navigate the challenges in their lives with magickal answers, to divining the future to bringing loved ones together, to spellcasting, the ancient and modern witch has always helped the 'village' the community in ways both unique and good, kind and discreet. We have been around since Biblical days and at one time were revered.
Ms. Faith's Services:
Spell Casting Consultations: For anyone who requires a specific spell for a specific issue Ms. Faith will consult at a rate of $20 for 15 minutes to advice the client of the spell needed. Anything in addition, such as writing the spell out in detail, assembling ingredients, candle carving, potion making or other necessary workings will be addressed directly with client and a price agreed upon at the time of consultation. NOTE: Ms. Faith, nor anyone associated with Enchantments, DOES NOT cast spells for anyone, but we will teach you how to cast the spells you need yourself for maximum efficiency.
To view spell casting workings consultation price list please see below.
Marriage Ceremonies: Handfastings, spiritual, non-religious, ceremonial or legal. As simple or as fancy as one desires. $250. local and travel expenses if outside of the local area. Call 860-791-6033 for more details.
Tarot / Crystal Ball / Rune & Crystal stone readings: $75 walk-ins welcome.
Have a 30 minute reading which will utilize at least three systems of divination. We use various tarot decks, spreads designed by Ms. Faith, witches runes, dozens of crystals to choose from, a real crystal ball all with which to see what your future holds. Both Ms. Faith and Ms. Laurel have decades of reading futures and can tell you what to expect in the year coming up in your life. Answer questions if you have a quandary, and give you direction on the way to go.
Pendulum readings: Ms. Faith uses the pendulum and with a spirit she has a very close connection to on the other side to help clients communicate with loved ones who have passed over. For $75.00 you may ask 7 questions and recieve messages from the other side.
Please call 860-791-6033 for any of our services and all of these services (for the time being) are in-person only. Soon to be available on-line, keep checking here for updates!
Spell Casting Consultation Workings Fee List:
Ms. Faith has been a practicing witch for over 40 years and as such, has mastered the art of spellcasting. It is not a religion, but a science as sure as gravity. When one understands the complexities of the physics one can craft a spell to make the needed changes and manifestations one needs in ones life. It is not simply a matter of 'mind over matter', if it were everyones lives would be easy and smooth. Depending on the level of 'work' you require for your issue, the amount of effort you are willing to put in, as well as the amount of training you may already have, Ms. Faith is able to consult and give you the information you require to make the needed changes you desire. It is important to note, spells are ONLY done for oneself. We do not have the ability to manipulate others, no matter how much we wish to, or believe it in their best interest. With this in mind, please look over the following price list before coming to Enchantments, and be willing to pay for the work needed. For what is of value is never free.